RL Reach Documentation

RL Reach is a toolbox for running reproducible reinforcement learning experiments applied to solving the reaching task with a robot manipulator. The training Gym environments are adapted from the Replab project. The training scripts and RL algorithms are based on the Stable Baselines 3 implementation and its Zoo of trained agents.



Please cite this work as follows:

author = {Aumjaud, Pierre and McAuliffe, David and Rodriguez-Lera, Francisco J and Cardiff, Philip},
journal = {Software Impacts},
pages = {100061},
volume = {8},
title = {{rl{\_}reach: Reproducible reinforcement learning experiments for robotic reaching tasks}},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
arxivId = {2102.04916},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.simpa.2021.100061},
year = {2021}